Friday, October 9, 2015

STEM Programs for Area Youth

Makey Makey Kits Arrive at the Whitman County Library 

Have you ever played piano on a pickle or strum a lively beat on bananas? With a simple clip to the Internet and a few items, the Makey Makey kits are STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) fun for youth in the 21st century at the Whitman County Library.


Thanks to the Washington State Library, these educational kits benefit more than 30 libraries throughout the state that do not have the resources to buy and provide their own for youth patrons. Carolyn Petersen, the State Library’s assistant program manager for library development said many youth services coordinators from public libraries who attended a youth leadership summit suggested the “Cool Creations” kits.


The Whitman County Library offers Makey Makey programs for youth to creatively engage hands on with the kits at the following branches:

Palouse Library-October 16, St. John Library-October 21, Tekoa Library-October 27, and the Colfax Library on November 4. Contact your nearest branch for youth age requirements and other details.  


For more information about the Makey Makey kits or any other programs in your area, please contact the Whitman County Library at 509-397-4366 or

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